I am planning to release this as an IPS patch which will require that you already have the original CFC2 ROM file. This is the typical approach for releasing translations, but please leave a comment if you have any issues with that or other suggestions.
Speaking of ROMs and what's going to happen when this is released, I know that there has been a fair ammount of interest in playing this game on an actual NGPC using a flash cart. Here is my suggestion. Go check out www.tototek.com. They guy that runs the show there has actually (years ago) made his own NGPC flash cart. As far as I understand, he never actually finished the project. He wanted it to be flashable via USB, but it never got that far. They have a forum there where they discuss new product ideas. Perhaps if they knew there was enough interest and that people would buy enough of the flash carts to offset the production costs they would actually sell them. It's just a thought.
I must let you know that I have been sidetracked lately with fixing up the PSP version of RACE!. It is now in a state that I think is ready for release. It seems to run all NGPC ROMs just fine, thought it does have a couple graphical and audio glitches with a select few ROMs. Hopefully, sometime in the next few days, I think you might find it in the usual PSP homebrew/emulator places.
Here's a little something that I think you might enjoy. I found this nice little CFC2 World Map when looking around the original NeoGeo site. If you click on a location in the picture, it will take you to a (Japanese) description of the location. It's kinda nifty, anyway.

I usually get a small kick out of spotting various gaming references in these vanity titles but I haven't clue one as to what games those locations are from. Especially the church.
Yeah, I'm not convinced that any of them are real insider references like you're thinking of. Most of them are rather straight-forward and obvious. It's not as entertaining that way, I know.
Hey, this is Paladinja. Not certain about THIS game (cuz I can't read it yet), but in the FIRST card fighters, the inside references were mostly in the conversations, and the locations were more parallels of actual places in Japan. Man I am really looking forward to this! It looks like PSP format has taken a healthy lead in your vote! I've tried playing the Japanese version, but it will be such sweet relief to get this understandable version popping on that crisp PSP screen. Hm, it's been a while since I've applied a translation patch... I THINK I still have the program to do it on my mac, not sure I can exactly remember how tho. When (note: not if) you release this gem, it would be cool to have a link to some translation patch how-to for both mac & PC. I also had a few other notes on your AMAZING pspRACE release, but instead of bothering you with them here, I'll post them on that DC forum once I investigate them a little further. Thanks again Flavor, you rock.
yea never got into the ngpc due to everything beeing not in english
but me and my psp will wait to try your translation (and as paladinja said try and remember how to patch in linux)
Well, the PSP emulator is out now (in case you missed it). You can just google for RACE-PSP and you should find it.
I'll try to come up with some way of making the IPS patching as painless as possible. Even though I wish I didn't have to worry about the IPS thing, it shouldn't be a big deal. I'm also guessing that someone will apply the patch and release the whole patched file on a ROM site or BitTorrent anyway. It seems that's how these things go, anyway.
If you haven't already, now might be a good time to start playing CFC1 on the PSP (or whereever) just to get into the swing of things. :)
Hey Flavor, in an effort to pitch in (I realize, only a very little bit) instead of simply placing demands on you (sorry4that), I researched how to apply the patch on a mac.
TildeSoft has made a very user friendly gui app named *gasp* IPS PATCHER. Once you get over the shock of their innovative naming abilities, you can download it free (or donate if you're the philanthropic sort) from their 'programs' page:
Hope someone else can do the recon for the PC (which for me stands for Perpetual Confusion) solution, so Flavor doesn't have to.
All I can say about this recent news... AWESOME! It's nice to see things really coming around on Neo-Geo projects like this.
Thanks a lot, this is really helpful. Really well for me and I’m not going back to the proprietary guys! If You Need More Information Please Visit us :- eTranslate is an international company specialising in the provision of Internationalization and Globalization Solutions.
Bradleyjames: Was that post SPAM or just really hard to understand?
Hey do you want help on the translation? I love CFC and I have done translation of lyrics and proof checking anime subs. Also I have a online Cardfighters project i want to start again, using virtual card table. Contact me! Cheers!
Hey X. It's done. Check the top-right of this page for the download link.
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