Thursday, August 7, 2008

It's Been a While

Well, it's been a while since the release. I haven't heard much for complaints, which I assume is good. In my experience, if people are quiet that means there's nothing wrong. It could also mean that nobody cares, but in either case I don't have much else to do on the project.

I just got word that a guy called "drunkenmaster226" put up a YouTube video of CFC2 English. Thank you for that. It's nice because it shows the "old school style intro" and gives people a nice glimpse of what the game is like. It was obviously taken using an emulator because you can hear the audio slowing down in places, but it's still a nice introduction to the game. You can watch it here, or over at YouTube.

I'm not sure what else to discuss at this point. The interest seems to have fallen off quite a bit. Though, that's what I expected. I think most people that cared have already downloaded it. If you're enthusiastic about this release, though, maybe you ought to go spread the word around to other sites/forums/etc. where there might be other people that would enjoy it. There are probably a lot of people that played CFC on the NGPC that haven't even looked around for new NGPC news since they stopped playing their. They might not know about CFC2 English, and they might like to know that it's playable on the PSP and Nintendo DS. If they don't care, that's fine, but I assume there are people out there that would care if they knew to care.

As always, I enjoy the comments, so if you've got anything to say, leave a message.


Anonymous said...

Thank you for make this possible. Has been a good time playing this game and "understanding" what is going on.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for the hard work. CVS Card games are awesome for the NGPC and this one is no different. I would like to see more releases from you regarding other NGPC games such Biomotor Unitron 2, or something that you may find more challenging.

Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

It's still a fun game. And I wouldn't mind sticking around for the next project either.

Flavor said...

Thanks for posting the "thanks" comments. I really do appreciate that!

Don't hold your breath for the next translation project. I find the technical part intriguing, but I can't read any Japanese. It's a big effort to translate a game like this, and I don't intend to take on another translation project anytime in the near future.

I'm not sure what I'll do next. I'll probably wait until Winter to really figure that out.

Anonymous said...

Any chance the RACE!DS could be better improved to play CFC better? Perhaps some specific CFC optimizations? I feel that CFC is best played on a handheld, but the DS emulation is rather slow.

Flavor said...

If you want to play CFC on the DS, yeah, I think there's a chance RACE-DS could be hacked a bit to speed things up. Though, I suggest reading the newest blog post and checking out

He's working on a NGPC emulator which I think will run very fast on the Nintendo DS. Though, I don't really know how soon the DS version will be ready.

Anonymous said...

i got to like 92% cards and then kinda gave up

great game, thanks for the translation

Anonymous said...

Thanks man.
I loved the first game, and never even tried to play the second, it was a great surprise finding someone translated it, great job.

Anonymous said...

I'd like to try your translation, but I can't understand how to use I mean, what's the password?

Thank you!

Flavor said...

Hmmm, the password thing is new. I don't know what happened. I just used it a couple days ago without a password.

Flavor said...

I changed things around a bit. Go to the main blog page and look on the right side. The download links have been changed.